Veuve Clicquot - Rich - 750ml
Veuve Clicquot Rich was created expressly to be combined with a selection of ingredients that bring out the mixologist, the Clicquologist in anyone. The signature notes of the wine are magnified by the presence of selected ingredients: pineapple, grapefruit zest, cucumber, celery, peppers or tea, all on the rocks.
Recommend for use:
- Place ice cubes in a large wine glass
- Add one of the recommended ingredients
- Finish with chilled Veuve Clicquot Rich
- Veuve Clicquot Rich was created expressly to be combined with a selection of ingredients
- The signature notes of the wine are magnified by the presence of selected ingredients: pineapple and grapefruit zest
- Weight: 0.75kg
- Size: 750ml
- Material: Glass
What's in the box:
1x Veuve Clicquot - Rich - 750ml